My Services

From consulting and strategy development to mentoring and support, my comprehensive services can help your team excel.

Personal Leadership Coaching

Group Coaching

Purpose & Strategy Development

A group of friends at a coffee shop
A group of friends at a coffee shop


Interim Leadership

Customized Workshops

Personal Leadership Coaching

Sometimes a leader needs to spend some time with an experienced colleague to bounce ideas, discuss areas where they need some advice, or just to get moving down the right path. We can work together to give your leader what they need. I use the Executive's Framework for Developing Leaders as a guide to help leaders grow.

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Some leaders benefit from a long-term mentor and confidant on whom they can lean for ongoing advice, skill development, and collaboration. It may be as simple as a coaching conversation or as complex as working together in their day-to-day job to get through a difficult situation. I work with the leader to help them develop skills in any way that works best for them.

woman and man sitting in front of monitor
woman and man sitting in front of monitor
Customized Workshops

Let's talk about the leadership and team-building needs of your specific team. I will develop a customized workshop, tailored to your needs. These workshops are carefully designed to address your unique situation, allowing us to concentrate on what matters most to you. I'll get to know your team's personality and formulate a workshop that aligns with their style for optimum effectiveness.

five person by table watching turned on white iMac
five person by table watching turned on white iMac
Group Coaching

When it comes to team development, I design the engagement that will specifically meet your needs. I will meet with the team and its leaders to understand the environment, and then we’ll put together a plan of attack to improve the effectiveness of the team.

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
Interim Leadership

Identifying the best leaders can be a time-consuming process. Whether your team has recently lost a leader or you're in the initial stages of assembling a new team with an urgent need for leadership, I can step in to bridge the gap. Acting as an interim leader, I will provide support while you search for a permanent candidate. Together with the team, we'll assess their requirements and ensure progress and continuous improvement.

three people, one woman and two men, on laptops in a boardroom
three people, one woman and two men, on laptops in a boardroom
Purpose & Strategy Development

It is critical for an effective team to understand their true purpose. Why does the team exist? A team cannot have a meaningful strategy without having alignment of purpose. Defining a team's purpose is step 1 in our strategy development process. The complete process is as follows:

  1. Building a common understanding of the team's purpose.

  2. Developing a SWOT analysis so we completely understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the team.

  3. Building the strategy based on steps 1 & 2. This tells us where we are going and sets priorities.

  4. Designing the roadmap. This tells us how we are going to get there and includes measurements for success.

brown and white chess board game
brown and white chess board game